The Hidden World of Oghuznama
The roots of modern Azeri language and other Oghuz languages along with Iranian (Dari) languages are in the Arani language (Arian), which should have been a separate language family and not split into two between the Indo-European and Altaic-Uralic language families. The modern Persian languages is formed as result of the Post Alexander III of Macedonia Migration into Central Asia, where most of the his army settled. It is quite obvious to defeat the army of Darius III, the army of Alexander III of Macedon must have exceeded 50,000. He gathered, besides Greeks, all Slavic tribes from the North of Balkans. Those soldiers, abandoned by their generals, eventually settled in the vast lands of Central Asia. Hence, there is no actual direct relationship between Hindian and European languages via Iranian languages. This assumption is erroneous.
The example from the Behistun Inscription, Column 1 (VI century BC) proves that there is no "est"-suffix in Old Arani language as in the modern Persian, which is a result of the Greek-Slavic influx, but there is "am"-suffix as in Azeri. And the text can be easily translated into Azeri languages both vocabulary and grammatically:
Old Arani:
"Adam (my name) Darayavush (Darius) shayathia (king) vazraka (mighty) shayathia (king) shayathianam (of kings), shayathia Parsai (king of Parsai), shayathia (king) dahyunam (of the world)..."
Modern Azeri:
"Adım (my name) Daryavush (Darius) şahdır (king), büzürg (mighty) şahın (king) şaham (of kings), Parsın shahı (king of Persia), dünyanın (world) şahıyam (king of)..."
So the aim of project is to restore the most important book of all times Oghuznama and established the missing link between Oghuznama and Shahnama, and also study an idelological differences between Iranian (Aranian) and Pahlavi dynasties as result of addoption of Zoroastrianism. The religion which was not supported by the Iranian (Aranian) population, who continue to pray towards East, as opposed to the Pahlavi.
The current book includes the Book of Proverbs (Atalar Sözü) and the Book of Dede Qorqud, together they make up The Holy Book of Oghuz. The more updated version of book with the full introduction in English is available via Google Play (see link below).
All proceeds from the sales will help to continue the restoration process.
Transition from Ghuz to Oghuz
The Book of Dede Qorqud is the most famous heroic dastan of the Oghuz, and it is made up of the twelve epic stories. The heroes are often portrayed as great warriors who fight on the path of the one true God – Tanri, against the invading villains who are referred to as infidels. The stories carry morals and values significant to the social lifestyle of the Oghuz peoples and their pre-Islamic beliefs. The book's mythic narrative is part of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Oghuz origin, mainly of Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan.
Although, the Oghuz State was made of 24 pronvinces, the stories take place in Azerbaijan. It evolves around two main groups – the Inner Oghuz (Aranli) and the Outter Oghuz (Daghli), who lived on two opposite sides of The Greater Caucasus Mountain Range.
The Book of Dede Qorqud, also known as Oghuznama, is available in two versions, one copy is kept at the Dresden State and University Library, and the other copy is in the Vatican Apostolic Library.
Dresden State and University Library
Dirsə Xan Oğli Buğac Can
Salur Qazaniñ Evi Yanmalandiği
Qam Börəniñ Oğli Bamsi Beyrək
Qazan Bəg Oğli Uruz Bəgiñ Tutsaq Oldiği
Duxa Qoca Oğli Dəli Domrul
Qañli Qoca Oğli Qanturali
Qaziliq Qoca Oğli Yegənək
Basat Dəpəgözi Öldürdügi
Bəgiñ Oğli Əmrañ
Uşun Qoca Oğli Səgrək
Salur Qazan Tutsaq Olub Oğli Uruz Çiqardiği
İç Oğuza Daş Oğuz Asi Olub, Beyrək Öldügi
Vatican Apostolic Library
Hikayet-i Han Oğlu Boğaç Han
Hikayet-i Bamsı Beyrek
Hikayet-i Salur Kazan'ın Evi Yağmalanduğudur
Hikayet-i Kazan Begün Oğlu Uruz Han Tutsak Olduğudur
Hikayet-i Kazılık Koca Oğlu Yegenek Bey
Hikayet-i Taş Oğuz İç Oğuz'a Asi Olup Beyrek Vefatı
This is an actual prayer from the Book of Dede Qorqud to One and All Mighty Tanri (God):
Yucalardan yucasan,
Kimsə bilməz necəsən!
Görklü Tañrı,
Çoq cahillər səni gögdə ara, yerdə istər.
Sən xud möminləriñ köñlündəsən.
Daim duran cabbar Tañrı
Ulu yollar üzərinə
İmarətlər yapayım səniñ içün.
Ac görsəm, doyurayım səniñçün,
Yalıncaq görsəm, donadayım səniñ içün!
The Oghuz Script is very likely derived from the Phoenician Script, although it might bears some similarities to the Greek script, it does not have same sounds. The letters A, O, W are generally the placeholders for the vowel sounds. The Oghuz Script script has 24 letters, which is supported by the Book of Proverbs (Atalar Sözü), it is the original 22 letters of the Phoenician Script plus 2 new letters Ğ and X. The key element of Oghuz language is its 9 vowels: a, e, ə, i, ı, o, ö, u, ü. The Bactrian script could have been a sister alphabet system along with the Gothic alphabet, from which the so called Cyrillic alphabet of the ancient Bulgars is born.